Do the Numbers Work?
Workshop Series for Entrepreneurs
October 15. Investment Strategy, with Joe Henderson
November 12. Metrics and Assumptions, with Harvey Hoffman
December 4. The Mind of the Life-Science Investor, with Jordan Warshafsky and Ben Goldman
Details and event registration, go to Startup Money Meetup
Sponsored by the global law firm
Before they ever write a check for your startup, investors must be convinced “the numbers work.”
I’ve seen many entrepreneurs with great presentations talk convincingly about their impressive products, excited customers, and competitive advantages. But they fall apart when challenged on the economics of the business. Even worse, the investors’ questions sometimes reveal an unworkable business model and expose founders who don’t comprehend the hard realities of startup economics.
Another numbers-related source of mystery is investor strategy: how much capital to raise, when, at what valuation and terms?
Life-science companies must convince investors with a different type of numbers. Clinical data, cost and timing of clinical trials, narrowly-defined addressable markets, exit potential, etc.
“Do the Numbers Works?” is a series of workshops that goes directly to these issues. You will learn:
1) How to prepare for investor questions about the economics of your business. What numbers are they likely to probe, and what type of analysis leads to the right numbers.
2) What numbers you should pay most attention to, what metrics are most important to guide your decisions as you build a sustainable, scalable business.
3) How to decide how much money to raise, when, and what terms to offer.
4) How life-science investors analyze feasibility.
Each session is three hours and features a different investor or industry expert. Each stresses a different aspect of Do the Numbers Work? Sometimes we have real-life simulation of an investor peppering a start-up company with numbers questions.
You will have plenty of time to ask your questions, at any level—from basic to advanced.
Note: This is not presentation coaching. (Come to Open Coaching for that.)
“Do the Numbers Work?” is open to all members of the venture community: entrepreneurs, mentors and teachers to entrepreneurs, and investors. Just register and come.
If you’re service provider, ask me first. Not appropriate for real estate investors.
All Do the Numbers Work? sessions are free because they’re sponsored by the Philadelphia office of the global law firm DLA Piper, “the best law firm you’ve never heard of.”
It’s a classy event. Great food: fresh fruit, bagels, muffins, juice, coffee. And did I tell you about the view? From the 50th floor of One Liberty Tower we’re looking down on Penn and Drexel, and on a clear day you can see Wilmington!
Details and event registration, go to Startup Money Meetup
A Word from Our Sponsor
All of these workshops and coaching are free, thanks to the law firm DLA Piper.
What’s the catch? None. It’s DLA’s way of getting their name out. It’s also a way to boost and nurture the entire venture community.
DLA Piper is one of the biggest law firms in the world, a leader in corporate and start-up law. They believe in investing in the long-term growth of the Philadelphia entrepreneur community. That's why they provide all this training to help entrepreneurs raise money for their companies.
For information about legal services tailored to entrepreneurs, contact
Fahd Riaz
BizClarity is dedicated exclusively to helping entrepreneurs master the investor presentation.
© 2018-2021 Steve Bowman & BizClarity, all worldwide rights reserved.
No portion of this website may be reproduced or used for any purpose without prior written approval.
Do the Numbers Work?
Katherine O’Neill, guest investor
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Katherine is an active investor in early-stage, high-growth companies. She will share her most urgent entrepreneur warnings in a mini-lecture, “10 Ways to Not Put Your Financial Foot in your Startup Mouth”. There will be ample time for Katherine to answer your money and investment questions. The workshop is moderated by Steve Bowman.
Registration is on the Startup Money Meetup
Do the Numbers Work? is a new addition to the Startup Money series that dives deep into the economics and money issues unique to the venture startup. Before they ever write a check for your startup, investors must be convinced “the numbers work.”
Many entrepreneurs with great presentations talk convincingly about their impressive products, excited customers, and competitive advantages. But they fall apart when challenged on the economics of the business. Even worse, the investors’ questions sometimes expose an unworkable business model. Founders demonstrate that don’t comprehend the hard realities of startup economics.
This workshop goes directly to these issues. You will learn:
How to prepare for investor questions about the economics of your business. What numbers are they likely to probe, and what type of analysis leads to the right numbers.
What numbers you should pay most attention to, what metrics are most important to guide your decisions as you build a sustainable, scalable business.
Who is Katherine O’Neill?
Katherine is Executive Director and investor with JumpStart New Jersey Angel Network, a member-led angel investor group that invests in early stage high growth companies in Mid-Atlantic region. She is a co-founder of Broad Street Angels in Philadelphia, also Mid-Atlantic investors. She has served on the Board of the Angel Capital Association ACA the national organization representing angel investor groups in North America.
Katherine is Executive Director and investor with JumpStart New Jersey Angel Network, a member led angel investor group that invests in early stage high growth companies in Mid-Atlantic region. She is a co-founder of Broad Street Angels in Philadelphia, also Mid-Atlantic investors. She has served on the Board of the Angel Capital Association ACA the national organization representing angel investor groups in North America.
Katherine is a member of the NJ Economic Development Authority Edison Fund Advisory Board, Princeton University MIRTHE Investment Focus Group, Rutgers Innovation Park Advisory Board, Rowan Innovation Venture Fund Investment Board, Mid Atlantic Diamond Ventures Board and Ben Franklin SEP Investment Advisory Committee. She judges business plan competitions both regionally and nationally. She is quoted in regional and national publications including the Wall Street Journal on angel investing topics.
Katherine is a seasoned financial executive and investor in early stage enterprises with extensive experience in start-up and entrepreneurial operations as well as operational expertise in a diverse range of businesses She is the president of O’Neill Associates and consults with technology companies and acts as interim CFO.
In addition to her entrepreneurial activities, she was a senior executive in corporate finance in both a Fortune 100 pharmaceutical company and Fortune 500 chemical company. Katherine has served on many non-profit boards focusing on education and women in business. Katherine is also active with the Forum of Executive Women, AWE Association of Women Entrepreneurs and the New Jersey Technology Council. Katherine earned a MA in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.
Do the Numbers Work? is a shared dialogue about a real business. We hold a “scrub” of two companies that are actively seeking investment. Each company’s CEO pitches, and then is grilled by a guest investor. The investor takes the lead asking questions and gives follow up advice and recommendations. I moderate.
There will be time for audience questions and discussion.
Topics that might come up:
unit economics
pricing strategies
managing profit margin
cash flow timing
capital needs—timing and feasibility
cost of scaling revenue
exit economics
cap tables
the true cost of venture capital
how investor returns are derived
If you want to be a featured company
I need to approve you first! Email me at Send me your slides. Tell me why you need this. I’m screening for companies at the right stage, far enough along to be facing a range of financial dilemmas. I’m also looking for cogent, clear presentations as our starting point. If I’ve coached your presentation in the past, that helps.
Important: The CEO (or co-founder leader) needs to be the one pitching, not the CFO or a financial advisor.
I do require that all featured companies commit to attending the whole three hours. It multiplies the benefits to watch another company in the hot seat.
Note to life science companies
Because the economics of clinical trials are such a special case, this particular Do the Numbers Work? is not appropriate for drug discovery and medical device companies.
Of course, life science entrepreneurs are welcome to come and observe.
I plan to hold a Do the Life-sciences Numbers Work? session in the future, with an expert life sciences investor.
If you want to observe and learn
“Do the Numbers Work?” is open to all members of the venture community: entrepreneurs, mentors and teachers to entrepreneurs, and investors. Just register and come.
If you’re service provider, ask me first. Not appropriate for real estate investors.
It’s free
This workshop is free because it’s sponsored by the Philadelphia office of the global law firm DLA Piper, “the best law firm you’ve never heard of.”
It’s classy
Great food: fresh fruit, bagels, muffins, juice, coffee. And did I tell you about the view? From the 50th floor we’re looking down on Penn and Drexel, and on a clear day you can see Wilmington!
BizClarity is dedicated exclusively to helping entrepreneurs master the investor presentation.
© 2018-2021 Steve Bowman & BizClarity, all worldwide rights reserved.
No portion of this website may be reproduced or used for any purpose without prior written approval.