Books by Steve
Steve's books capture the unique method he's developed for coaching entrepreneurs. They are written for entrepreneurs at any level––from first-timers to serial entrepreneurs. And for coaches and teachers of entrepreneurs.
The guides are full of practical tips you can apply immediately. You can skim them and used as checklists. Or study them to understand the principles and ideas that power the BizClarity Method.
If you're a teacher of entrepreneurs, you can use these as textbooks for your classes. Steve is a veteran teacher and structures all of his writings–with lots of lists and bit-sized sections–to work as teaching resources.
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Start with this. Even if you believe your presentation is better than a Trainwreck, scan this Guide to make sure you aren’t missing something important.
Investor Presentation First Steps
This is a checklist of the minimum you should do before going live with your investor presentation. It's even shorter than How to Avoid a Trainwreck. It's a list.
Longer, more detailed, and goes into more of the ideas that make a difference between a Good Enough presentation and an Outstanding presentation.
How to Create a Send-ahead Deck
A send-ahead slide decks is what you email out when an investor says, “send me your slides.” It is NOT the same as the deck you use in a live presentation to investors.
The one-pager is the single most important pitch document you’ll create when raising investment capital.
The ten-slide rule causes more agony, pain, and awful investor presentations than any other single idea.
Recommended Books
Steve's picks by other authors
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Buy and read Presentation Zen to learn how to create beautiful low-density slides. It's a savvy design book, with lots of examples. This is the book I recommend first to all my clients and students.
This is the companion book to Presentation Zen. It goes into more of the design nitty-gritty for mastering slide construction. Duarte is a veteran of Silicon Valley and the Apple eco-system.
Quick read but with a powerful, message--how to get anybody to see, understand, remember, and act on your ideas. Good not only for investor presentations, but for marketing ideas too.
I've read lots of books on how to deliver a presentation. This is the best. It's full of advanced tips the other books miss.
A well written Wharton-style book that will change how you think about products and customers. Worth it alone for deep dive into milestone theory.
The best book I've seen in a long time on entrepreneurship. It gives a step-by-step path to a successful start-up. Extremely customer focused. Aulet is the entrepreneur's guru at MIT and a successful entrepreneur and investor himself.
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Don't be fooled by the stuffy title, this is the most important book on graphs and charts you'll ever read. If you communicate with data, you must know Tufte; read his books in order (this is the first). The book itself is beautifully written and illustrated, worth the steep price.
BizBits Blog
Quick advice for anyone getting BizClarity coaching.
Read these and we'll save time and money.
Click image to read the BizBit article
Send-Ahead vs Presentation Deck
Quick Fix for Cluttered Slides
5 Ways Investor Presentations Are Different
BizClarity is dedicated exclusively to helping entrepreneurs master the investor presentation.
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